Christmas Traditions in Germany

Celebrating the Christmas season in Germany

Christmas in Germany

Lately I have been really fascinated by the Christmas traditions in Germany. From the festive markets to the beautiful decor, Germany really lights up Christmas. In a way, I feel like it is the true home of Christmas tradition. So, I reached out to one of my German readers and writer of, Random Poison, who resides in Germany and asked her all about the traditions in her native home. She was nice enough to write us a guest post on the traditions throughout the season. I became immediately interested in the similarities between Germany and the U.S., but even more intrigued by the differences. I would like to share with you her post. It is about as warm and fuzzy as Christmas can get. In fact, it has inspired me to start sharing some of these traditions with my own family…

-Christa Thompson, The Fairytale Traveler  Continue reading

Fairytale Events, Enchanted Forest a Must See Pitlochry, Scotland


Scotland’s favorite outdoor sound and light show

Photo by Christa Thompson

The Enchanted Forest Event Photo by Christa Thompson

Picture yourself in a dream, in a forest with towering trees. The cool damp air embraces your skin..and just as your eyes begin to focus on the dancing colors upon the woods, the music begins. You’re in the Enchanted Forest. It is the staple of all fairytales. It is that magical place where flowers sing, green grass grows, and where darkness lurks behind every tree. Anything goes.

Sounds like a place for The Fairytale Traveler…wouldn’t you think? Yeah me too, so I Continue reading